MP opens new Paddock Wood Community Centre
A town’s £3m community centre is now officially open.
Greg Clark MP was on hand to cut the ribbon and declare Paddock Wood’s new community building ready for business.
He was assisted by the deputy Mayor of Tunbridge Wells, Cllr Nicholas Pope. It has been a long wait, the plans were first put forward in 2017.
The centre at the Memorial Playing Field was built by Baxalls for Paddock Wood Town Council and is already in use by a number of local groups and organisations including yoga, pilates, first aid, judo and Girl Guides.
Derek Boyle, one of the voluntary directors of the operating company that is managing the centre, said: “The Community Centre is the culmination of many years of work by members of the community, town council staff and councillors, supported by officers from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.
“The building is a wonderful asset for the town, not only for current residents and visitors but also for generations to come.”
It has a café, small meeting room, three large halls which can be combined to provide a hall seating 300 and also a 40-place nursery.
Enquiries can be made to the centre manager, Laura White, on 01892 487757 or