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Ten reasons I’m not sure I’m ready for another baby by Charlie O'Brien

By: Charlie O'Brien

Published: 08:00, 20 October 2016

My son is 20 months old, which means the 'When are you having another one?' questions are coming thick and fast.

But it’s not just from outsiders – they’re coming from within.

My husband and I have been discussing it recently and now could actually be a good time to try for another. But far from feeling broody and excited, the subject mostly terrifies me.

It would be great for Noah to have a brother or sister to play with

Is this normal? I did also touch on this subject four months ago for My Kent Family, which shows it’s been my mind for a while now! I’ve got so many friends who say they were broody for another the minute they gave birth to their first child, but this really hasn’t been my experience.

I was desperately broody before we had our son Noah and having two miscarriages made my desire to start a family even stronger. However, since becoming a mumthose broody feelings have subsided! It’s like I feel my son is enough, if that makes any sense?!


Equally though, I do want my son to have a sibling (mainly so he has someone else to play with on the days that start at 5am) and I’m also increasingly aware of my age – almost 35.

Noah is now 20 months old and growing up fast

Here are 10 reasons that make me unsure if I’m quite ready for another child!

I’m enjoying a full night’s sleep too much: Noah didn’t sleep through the night until he was 15 months. Some nights he was up eight times. And while I didn’t moan about it at the time, it’s flipping lovely to get a full night’s sleep again!

I’ve only just got my body back: Exclusively breastfeeding for 16 months means I’ve only had four months without either being pregnant or someone permanently attached to my boob! I’m actually rather enjoying it!

My son isn’t anywhere near potty training: People say to me that two in nappies is hard. Should I be considering another child while No.1 is nowhere near potty training?

I enjoy a glass of wine: I mean, who doesn’t? Not quite sure I’m ready to give that up just yet.

I like being able to pop out: For so long I couldn’t really leave my son for any period of time due to breastfeeding and although I don’t go out without him a huge amount now, it’s nice knowing that I can.

I enjoy the bond with Noah and I'm not sure that I want to change that

I’m terrified of giving birth: The downside of having experienced birth already is that you know exactly what’s coming! My birth experience was fairly traumatic and the thought of doing it again makes me wince. A lot.

More time that I have to put my career on hold: Having children is all about sacrifice, which I personally think, is a good thing. Having a baby has taught me to be patient and to always put someone else first but there is the little issue of a career. It’s hard to know what to do for the best – go back to work in between babies, or wait till the baby years are over?


Most days I don’t feel like I’m doing a great job: I already beat myself up with mum guilt on a daily basis, can I really cope with two doses?!

I enjoy our bond and don’t want it to change: I think most mums that I know have worried about this. I know I have enough love in my heart for two children, but I hate the idea of our bond changing. We are so so close and I worry that he’d feel a bit pushed out or unloved.

The thought of getting out of the house with two brings me out in a cold sweat: I genuinely think the majority of mums with more than one are superheroes, and I regularly wonder how my mum got five of out of the door every morning and still managed to put her make up on!


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