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Foster child thanks ISP celebrating Fostercare Fortnight

By: Josie Hannett

Published: 06:00, 16 May 2016

Foster Care Fortnight has just begun and to celebrate the event, we've followed a carer and a teen in care to see what fostering is like from both sides.

The service has come under fire in recent months, but this Kent teenager says that being put into care has changed his life.

Billy Botton, 18, from Ashford, was placed with the Rusbridge family seven years ago, through independent fostering agency, ISP.

Billy Botton is currently in foster care

Billy said his life would be very different if he wasn’t fostered: “I probably would have been in prison, because we weren't that good as kids, we just did what we wanted when we wanted. We had no one to answer to really.”

“I suppose I have had so many more opportunities. I’ve gone through school, achieved so many things. I’ve got GCSE’s now, there’s just so many more doors that have opened.


“I hope to stay here a bit longer but I would like to move into a trailer. My main aim is to get my own land and work outdoors. I’m not a big big business person, I like to get on with life the way it is."

Talking of his experience in care, Billy said: “It’s been alright, I see my family, I love them to bits. I love coming here and then going to see them, everyone gets along, it’s good.”

ISP is an independent fostering agency

But it's not just Billy who has reaped the benefits of the system - his foster carer Steve Rusbridge says though it can be difficult at times it's a very rewarding job.

The dad-of-two and carer to three said: "I’ve been a foster carer for seven years and I certainly wouldn’t turn my back on it for sure. It can be rewarding, it can be challenging, it can be scary. There are all the emotions under the sun to describe what a foster carer entails really.

“There’s a lot of training that understandably we have to do for example like first aid, that’s forever moving. The company I work for they bring out more training on a need-to-know basis."

Steve looks after a child who has been severely abused and has specific training to deal with this.

Steve Rusbridge cares for Billy and two others

He said: “It’s very raw it can be very upsetting when the child finally trusts you and offloads onto you.

"They tell you all the things and you have got to try and not looked shocked but also try and empathise as much as you can with them really and try and help it through with them."


“It’s not for everyone for sure, but boy is it rewarding! It’s lovely when you have a seven year old whose had a troubled start and then you see them when they are 17 or 18 and they can command themselves in the outside world.

VIDEO: Billy and Steve talk about their experience with foster care.

"It’s great to witness that, it’s lovely to see.”

ISP is an independent fostering agency that provides high-quality childcare, education and therapy for young people in need.

The company's holistic approach ensures across the board carers, social workers, therapists and teachers, work together to support young people, and the foster families in which they live.


Foster Care Fortnight runs from Monday, May 16 to Sunday, May 29.

For more information about fostering, click here or call 0800 0857 989.


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