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Charlie O'Brien Blog: Birth plans, moving hospitals and waters breaking in public

By: Charlie O'Brien

Published: 07:00, 15 September 2017

I am very pro a birth plan. I think they help you to know what choices are available to you in labour and they can assist you in preparing your mindset before the big day.

That said – on both occasions my birth plan has completely gone out of the window!

I gave birth to my daughter Luna 17 days ago after she decided to put in an appearance a whole month early.

At home with Luna

I was at a university reunion with my husband and son when my waters suddenly went at 35+5 weeks pregnant. Yes – it happened in front of everyone.

And yes I was utterly terrified.


Oh and no – I didn’t have my hospital bag packed! Although I DID have my hospital notes with me, as something that morning had told me to run back to the house and get them! A mother’s instinct perhaps?!

As soon as my waters went I knew that my dream of a home birth was gone, due to the risk of infection and the fact that my baby was trying to come early.

When I arrived at the hospital in a pretty distraught state – a lovely matron told me that I needed to grieve for the home birth that couldn’t happen and move on.

Luna at just one week old

I knew that I had to take her advice and quickly get my head around a VERY different birth scenario. A far cry from birth pools, candles and calm hypnobirthing – I was suddenly surrounded by talk of constant monitoring and a possible induction.

The next couple of days were a bit of a blur but I ended up discharging myself from the hospital I was at (whilst in early labour!) and going to my local hospital where I knew I’d feel much calmer.

About five hours later, Luna was born at exactly 36 weeks and weighing a very healthy 5lbs 9oz.

My birth wasn’t what I’d been picturing and planning for the past eight months, but all things considered it wasn’t that bad. I had a lovely midwife who allowed me to remain upright and mobile despite having to be connected constantly to a monitor and an antibiotics drip.

Having a good day with Luna

I also had my lovely doula, Hannah, with me (as well as my husband) who helped me through the pain with massage, essential oils and positive visualisations.


If you’re pregnant and reading this - my advice would be to make a birth plan, and know what your ideal birth would be – but be prepared for it all to change. If you communicate to your birth team what you’d hoped for – chances are you’ll still get a few of the things that are really important to you. I did.

Oh, and pack that hospital bag!

Charlie X


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