Charlie O'Brien blog: Coping with a baby's four-month sleep regression

by Charlie O'Brien

OK, perhaps I’ve lured you into this blog under false pretences with the title – because truth is, I’m only just coping myself.

When we decided to have a second baby I DID remember that our son, Noah, didn’t really sleep for 16 whole months. And I knew it was tough, but I also knew we survived.

And then of course a woman’s mind and body is very good at forgetting the hard bits and starts whispering 'Go on, have another baby, they’re so cute – you know you want to!'

And so we did.

She may be cute but she's also very tired
She may be cute but she's also very tired

I knew there would be more sleepless nights and I wasn’t wrong. As a newborn Luna was up maybe five or six times a night. But then she started to fall into a lovely routine and rhythm until the wake ups were only twice or even ONCE a night! Which I’ve got to admit, was heaven.

And then BAM – the four-month sleep regression hit! Send coffee! (That would be fab, but I don’t actually drink caffeine arrgghh.)

For all the doubters – the four-month sleep regression is a very real and scientific thing. At around four months a baby stops, well sleeping like a baby! They go from just having deep sleep cycles, to moving between light and deep sleep cycles like us adults do.

They are also going through major leaps in their brain development.

For all the doubters – the four-month sleep regression is a very real thing
For all the doubters – the four-month sleep regression is a very real thing

Throw all that together and you get the world’s fussiest baby who also stops sleeping properly.

Right now I’m writing this while trying to get Luna to sleep. So far I’ve put her down four times and so far – she’s winning.

So my very real tips for coping are...

  • A box of Matchmakers. They are helping me right this second.

  • A glass of prosecco – may also be helping!

  • Texting all your friends to tell them how hard motherhood is and how very tired you are. (None have responded yet.)

    With my son Noah at four months
  • Texting husband who is out for a drink after work. Can you sense my slight bitterness?

  • Keeping in mind that this does get better. It really does and I’m speaking from experience. Right now I feel like I’m sinking but I know I just have to get through this storm and hopefully my happy and sleeping baby will be back in a few short weeks.

  • More prosecco.

Best of luck of you’re going through it too!

Charlie X

There's some helpful advice from a proper expert here

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